Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Truffle Hunting

Sir Winston came to stay with us for the week while his family goes on vacation. He is such a sweet boy and has really mellowed. The only time he becomes excitable is when you take out the camera, so I had to sneak pictures of him.

One of his favorite pastimes is truffle-hunting, although we have no truffles of which I am aware. Here is our royal guest waiting patiently to begin the hunt.First he surveys the grounds
and takes a slow step-by-step approach
Truffle hunting is hard work and breaks are necessary
Back to searching for the elusive truffle
Hmmm.... maybe here
Truffles in the neighbor's yard?
He's sooo close
Perhaps sniffing the air will help
Nope, there have to be truffles here somewhere
A few days later after an exhausted hunt for the rare truffle, we get a visitor on the front porch.
Winston once more goes into hunt-mode moving from the dining room window to the foyer windows - back and forth, faster than the camera can catch him, almost...
Later - exhausted from truffle and rabbit hunting, a poodle dreams
Finally his momma comes to pick him up and he relaxes on her lap. Some things are so much better than finding truffles.

A final good-bye pant to grandma as Winston is buckled into his car seat. He knows full well that the hunt will continue the next time he visits!


La Petite Gallery said...

What an adorible Pup. He had fun but I bet he was happy to go home.
My mom had a poodle she was crazy about. Sir winston is so cute.


The Victorian Parlor said...

He's so cute!!!



Anonymous said...

Boy I bet he kept you busy. Good way to get your exercise. Thanks for stopping by.

Pam of Eastlake Victorian said...

What a cutie, that Sir Winston! And oh, those darn elusive truffles! :-)
