Thursday, January 15, 2009


I made a New Year's resolution, if you can call it that, and I have only faltered once, well, maybe twice. It's all in one's interpretation. What is my resolution you ask? I am attempting to "make" or "repurpose" what I need for Sweetbrier instead of buying it. Actually it's been kind of fun. 

For example, I needed a new wreath for the front door. I can't use traditional flower wreaths because birds like to nest in them. I tried to find a wreath foam form so I could just wrap it with some pretty linens and lace, but stores are sold out due to Christmas. So, I decided to make a banner. I took a vintage towel, folded it in half and added some doilies, lace, ribbon and buttons to make a "shabby chic" styled banner. 

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