Thursday, February 13, 2014

A stormy few days...

Thought I'd post some pictures from the aftermath of Pax. It may not look like much, but the 2+ inches of snow we received tops at least an inch of ice!

My dogwood tree is beautifully covered with ice and snow.  Most of these pictures are taken from inside as my back screen door is frozen shut.
The front walkway is solid ice - I'll be salting it today.
 Bushes are barely holding up under the weight...

 As are the trees.
 A bit of Christmas-tide:)

My poor Mountain Laurels are bending close to the ground. Normally you wouldn't be able to see the pear tree as it's usually blocked by the laurels.
Hopefully the trees can hang in there. If you go outside you hear the clicks and crashes as branches break and fall to the ground. Looking forward to the sun peeking out later today. Stay safe and warm!

1 comment:

victorian parlor II said...

Beautiful!!! These are great pictures!

