Channel 11 News came out on Saturday and you can view the text of the interview
here. Make sure you play the video!
At the welcoming table, you could sign in (on real parchment) and get a brief explanation of the day's events as well as an invitation to join!
This Faire is in conjunction with Georgia's Archaeology month, the theme this year, "Making the Past Come to Life!"
Since Ft. Daniel has an active dig, a museum was erected to display the artifacts already discovered
Plus information on the timeline and history of the site
Demonstrations were key throughout the day and enjoyed by all!
A traveling merchant explained his wares and how they were used as well as where common phrases of today originated (i.e., pieces of eight, going off half cocked)
A blacksmith demonstration
Reproductions of nails made during the Colonial time period
Bricks were produced at the site available for purchase by attendees
A brick form and some molded red clay
The kiln
The kiln fired up!
A cover for his shoes
His compass so he can make his way through the wilderness
The General preparing for the day's hard work protecting the fort and disciplining the troops
Our blacksmith
Note the fox fur hanging on the merchant's belt (his right side). This was in honor of the "Swamp Fox" (General Francis Marion, 1732-1795) from the American Revolution
A Colonial woman (and yes, cars were removed from the property before the public arrived)
Taking a break from a hard day's work!
To my friends in blogland, I encourage you to research your local historical sites, organizations or foundations and get involved. It is definitely a worthwhile pursuit, not to mention lots of fun!